Wings Over Scotland

Wings Over Scotland

Last seen: 4 years ago

Wings Over Scotland is a Scottish political website, which focuses particularly on the media – whether mainstream print and broadcast organisations or the online and social-network community – as well as offering its own commentary and analysis.

Member since Jan 7, 2021

The long slow grind of justice

Wings has been informed this morning by a reliable source that Police Scotland h...

Fix up, look sharp

Holiday Boy is still “resting”, so here’s a laugh from nearly six years ago. Hea...

The Weekend Cartoon

Alert readers will have noticed that our semi-regular crayonsmith Slacky The Hol...

The Ship Song

Ten years ago this month I was in a pub called The Porter in Bath with my girlfr...

Towards the future

The election’s over and the votes have been counted. It wasn’t to be for Alba th...

Trans Greens Are Greens

Misogynist racist midget Patrick Harvie is furious this week, which is always ni...

A butterfly on a wheel

Craig Murray was today sentenced to eight months in prison for the crime of “jig...

The Taking Of Holyrood 129

So here’s your majority: And we know because they told us. It only took a matter...

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