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Welcome to my long-awaited blog page. Friends have been urging me to do this for years but the technology frightened me. Now thanks to Dave Beveridge and my oldest daughter Laura I am finally in business. This blog will be totally pro-Independence for Scotland and I hope to comment on all the topical issues of the day using a bit of humour and controversy wherever I can. I hope you find it an entertaining and informative read and will recommend it to your friends.
This is reproduced from Robin McAlpine’s excellent site It de...
People must be wondering just what needs to happen these days for someone to acc...
A by-election will be held on Thursday 20 January 2022 for the election of ONE c...
Another lively show with guest Kenny MacAskill followed up by straight talking t...
I am honoured to publish on this site an academic paper on a very important topi...
ONCE UPON A TIME! Are you sitting comfortably (you won’t be for long). Let me be...
The second gender war This excellent article first appeared in THE CRITIC. Afte...
For Immediate Release: Wednesday 12 January 2022 HANVEY SECURES MEETING WITH MIN...
EMBARGO: Wednesday 12 January 2022, 11:00 am MACASKILL CALLS FOR ROUTE DEVELOPME...
JUST HOW WRONG CAN YOU GET IT? What follows is an international article setting ...
A post from the Yours for Scotland regular columnist Mia. ON WHAT SIDE ARE YOU? ...
From former MSP Mike Mackenzie. Dear Shona, I am writing to you in your capacity...
With Chris Hanlon on Devomax also Roddy, Grousebeater and myself discussing a ra...
A GUEST POST FROM BILL CLARK. If you refuse to take on board beliefs you don’t a...