THE GREAT PAIN ROBBERY I’m enjoying letting this sink in. It bears all the hallmarks of an endgame strategy that has been decades in the making. It’s been longer than that, I know, but its only been decades for me to witness first hand. This is the hornet’s nest that the UK’s Supreme Court wasContinue reading "A RESPONSE FROM BREEKS"
I’m enjoying letting this sink in. It bears all the hallmarks of an endgame strategy that has been decades in the making. It’s been longer than that, I know, but its only been decades for me to witness first hand. This is the hornet’s nest that the UK’s Supreme Court was a little too casual in kicking over.
Well, there it is Scotland.
You want justice for MacRae? This is the way.
You want justice for McCrone? This is the way.
You want justice, and a future for your own wee “mac’s” and nighean’s? This is the way.
I had a gran who used to wash her face in the morning dew of Spring, but never really told me why. And aye, you did get a wee dab aboot the chops too, whether you liked it or not, because that’s what grans do. I don’t know what belief it came from, but probably her gran doing the same.
But after all these years, I think I get it. Because finally entering the endgame of Scottish Independence feels like washing your face in the first dew of Spring. The long winter is coming to it’s end.
And how utterly refreshing it is to take in what is little more than an opening letter of intent , but still, not have the joy crushed out of you by some idiotic politician’s self interested caveats and sophistry. ‘It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom – for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.’
My only observation is a lot of people report having bother signing up to Liberation.Scot. I think we need to go “nuclear” with getting signatures and sign-ups to the Liberation Movement. That means petitions on every street, a document to sign up to on every stall, climbing stairs and chappin’ doors.
There’s a mood for it. Carpe Diem. An Aunt of mine was a civic minded sort of person, and often organised petitions for kid’s fitba pitches and stuff, and she knew all about twitching curtains when nobody came to the door. She looked like she was “fae the cooncil”. But when there was a petition circulating about the water privatisation, she said there were people hurdling the gate to get their name on the list. They were opening their doors and grabbing the pen before she’d even rang the doorbell. Even the wee neds she normally dreaded walking past wanted their names on the list.
Granted, the Unionist’s aren’t going to sign, but I firmly believe Liberation.Scot would be as warmly received, and by a great many neutrals and undecideds too.
And maybe too, if we’re quick about it, maybe a “Wee Blue Liberation book” to complete the set, and be spread far and wide doing justice to the Constitutional perspective and the Claim of Right. After all, a Sovereign people have the right to know they’re sovereign in a land where the Common Good held powerful sway in all things. A great, great many people still know nothing of this.
Aye. Game on!
It is interesting you mention Willie MacRae. There are members of our Group that think what Sara has uncovered may have been what he had uncovered before he died in very mysterious circumstances. We were very anxious to get that information into the widespread public domain to make it less likely of any possibility of any repeat.
Good news Breeks we plan to do all the things you suggest starting in January onwards. Even better we have some big surprises including new tactics, new innovative ideas, great fun and very embarrassing for the Union. Stay tuned for this news later in December, it is going to be great. We are planning a big launch in Glasgow to kick things off but it will all be filmed so everyone can watch no matter where you live. Onwards and upwards! Sign up at Liberation.scot. Your country needs you!
I am, as always
Unfortunately some pro Indy websites are not pro Indy. They are pro SNP sites and ban any content on their sites which dares to question the SNP or the SNP leader. They seek to censor discussion and free expression. Fortunately many of my readers share the articles on Yours for Scotland frequently and because of this the attempted censorship is proving ineffective. This support is very important and I thank everyone who share and protect freedom of speech and choice.
Are available on the Home and Blog pages of this site. This will ensure you will receive notification of all new posts by email and be the first to get key information when it is released.
The progress of Salvo has been the most encouraging development of 2022. It is doing sterling work educating Scots about the Claim of Right and spelling out what it means that the Scottish people are sovereign, not any Parliament. All donations to this site for the remainder of 2022 will be forwarded to Salvo to support them in developing and expanding this valuable work.
Please register at Liberation.scot and join the mass membership organisation that will be the signatories to our application to the UN, debate and organise a new Scottish Constitution. The membership of Liberation is also where the first members of Scotland’s National Congress will be balloted for selection.
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