Tag: Holyrood

Alba Party will worry the SNP and the Greens, but appea...

The Alba Party launch excites a Holyrood contest boiling down to whether the SNP...

Salmond Statement: Inquiry findings must be accepted

Alex Salmond instructs his lawyers to take action into the Permanent Secretary's...

Closing Statement – #SalmondSpeaks from the Holyrood In...

Alex Salmond's closing comments after an explosive marathon session at Holyrood ...

Scottish Parliament election: Holyrood vote can and sho...

I’m loathe to disagree with my good friend Henry McLeish but, on whether the Sco...

The Integrity of a Nation

This time almost exactly two years ago I sat in a cafe close to Holyrood in a st...

Scotland's Future: A Roadmap to Scottish Independence

SNP Councillor Chris McEleny sets out a roadmap for the people of Scotland to se...

End of the Line for the Lord Advocate

Is it the end of the line for the post of Lord Advocate or at least in the the h...

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