With Neale Hanvey becoming the second ALBA Member of Parliament, the ALBA GROUP AT WESTMINSTER moves to two and this moves ALBA to the point it outnumbers Labour who only have one solitary MP from Scotland. It also equals the Westminster representation the SNP enjoyed for many years when it was only Gordon Wilson andContinue reading "DAY 3 ALBA LEAPFROG LABOUR"
With Neale Hanvey becoming the second ALBA Member of Parliament, the ALBA GROUP AT WESTMINSTER moves to two and this moves ALBA to the point it outnumbers Labour who only have one solitary MP from Scotland. It also equals the Westminster representation the SNP enjoyed for many years when it was only Gordon Wilson and Donald Stewart representing the Party at Westminster.
Another prominent recruit to join is Lynne Anderson, the current Equalities Convener on the SNP NEC. Well I suppose current no more. If there is to be a shard of light in all this for the SNP it is they are not going to need so many seats in either Group or NEC meetings at their next meetings!
The clocks moved forward an hour last night but they are not moving fast enough to keep up with ALBA!
I am, as always
Yours for Scotland
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