It is not compulsory to be timid every day.

This leadership race is beginning to annoy me. Where is the freedom of thought and speech that can inspire? Where is the vision and explanation of the route to deliver Independence?. One is no use without the other. Equally importantly when is one of the candidates going to give some of these unionist commentators andContinue reading "It is not compulsory to be timid every day."

Mar 6, 2023 - 11:00
It is not compulsory to be timid every day.

This leadership race is beginning to annoy me. Where is the freedom of thought and speech that can inspire? Where is the vision and explanation of the route to deliver Independence?. One is no use without the other.

Equally importantly when is one of the candidates going to give some of these unionist commentators and interviewers a few problems and force them to answer the awkward questions?

As an example,  the Unionists are getting away with murder and putting all three candidates on the defensive by taunting “what do you do when the Tories and Labour say No to negotiations ?” The answer to that question is not to stumble, hesitate or go silent but to face it head on.

My reply would be “ I would suggest they say goodbye and apologise to those standing for their parties in Scotland. They will not be seeing any of them being returned to Holyrood or Westminster in the election. The Scottish people will not elect representatives whose key intention is to ignore the democratic will of the Scottish people and who say so In advance. Do you really think Scots would vote for that and don’t worry there will be no hiding place, we will be challenging them about that every day”

This is where you hope the interviewer says something like “ what’s to stop them doing it after the election?”

The answer again puts them on the defensive “are you advocating a course of deceit? Are you suggesting Scots should vote for Parties capable of such blatant dishonesty?” This is a democracy surely you can’t be suggesting that”?

“I think I should remind you that not so long ago the SNP returned 56 out of the 59 seats in Scotland and that was against opponents who were arguing they would listen to Scotland, also that the SNP have had eight major election victories in recent times against opponents trying to offer positive alternatives to Scots. Can you imagine any Labour or Tory candidates surviving anywhere if their message was “we will ignore, oppose and block at Westminster whatever Scotland decides?”

But the lunacy of that position is why it’s a bluff,  how could you explain it to the World that you are determined to hold on and imprison a country where no Unionist candidate can be elected? Where a nation elected an Independence supporting MP TO EVERY SEAT IN THE COUNTRY.

I would also start bringing it up as a question if the interviewers stopped asking it. Turn what they thought was “ a killer question” into a huge anchor that took them down every time. Believe me the public would notice that! It’s easy done “you are probably wanting to know what would happen if Unionists just decided to say No to Scotland irrespective of how we voted?. That gives you the opportunity to run through it again or the interviewer states he doesn’t want to go there. Again the public will notice!

Now sadly in this article I must reveal that Salvo has as yet not received any positive response from any of the candidates to record a podcast to discuss their views on how the Claim of Right argument that can be used to defend the Scottish interest and directly challenge the legitimacy of Westminster to corral and weaken Holyrood. It is still early days we only emailed each candidate last week but we would have hoped for a quick response as it’s a great opportunity to discuss those issues with thousands of Salvo members, many of whom will have votes in the election.

Anyway I am hoping to see more confidence, more aggression and power in the time they have left in this extraordinary short election campaign. I am confounded by a financial restriction for the campaign of £5000 per candidate. What is that all about?. That denies them staff, barely covers the transport and accommodation costs of attending meetings all over the country and severely disadvantages the candidate living with a new baby in the Highlands  or indeed the candidate who was not in the Cabinet and who is therefore less known and perhaps would benefit most from a longer campaign. It certainly won’t affect Humza whose multi coloured posters were on show from the off. It’s as if someone tipped him off? Surely not Peter?

I am, as always



Regretfully there are some among us who seek to censor what others read. Sadly within the YES movement there are sites which claim to be pro Indy but exist to only promote one Party and will not publish articles which come from bloggers who don’t slavishly support that Party to the exclusion of the rest of the YES movement. I ask readers who support free speech to share articles from Yours for Scotland as often as possible as this defeats the effectiveness of the censors.


Free subscriptions are available on the Home and Blog pages of this site. This allows,for an email of each article to your Inbox and that is now how several thousands get my articles each day. This avoids problems that some have experienced gaining access from Twitter and Facebook. You will be very welcome to choose whatever route works best for you.


The work and important development of Salvo has been a beacon of hope in 2022 and as it develops Salvo is creating campaigning hubs throughout Scotland. Salvo will join  with Liberation.Scot and as the campaigning arm of Liberation we are looking at very effective campaigns kicking off very early this year and introducing some new campaigning methods as well as those that have worked well in the past. This requires money so all donations to this site, once the running costs are covered, will go to support the work of Salvo/ Liberation. I think you will see it well used and effective.


We are seeking to build Liberation.Scot to at least 100,000 signatures just as quickly as we can. This is part of our plan to win recognition as an official Liberation Movement via the United Nations. We intend to internationalise our battle to win Independence and through the setting up of our Scottish National Congress will prepare and develop our arguments to win progress in the International Courts. Please help by signing up at Liberation.Scot. It is from those who sign up to Liberation.Scot that the membership of the SNC will be created by ballot.


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Yours for Scotland Welcome to my long-awaited blog page. Friends have been urging me to do this for years but the technology frightened me. Now thanks to Dave Beveridge and my oldest daughter Laura I am finally in business. This blog will be totally pro-Independence for Scotland and I hope to comment on all the topical issues of the day using a bit of humour and controversy wherever I can. I hope you find it an entertaining and informative read and will recommend it to your friends.