Salvo Launch for West of Scotland Euro Area.
Please feel welcome to join Salvo/ Liberation. These meetings and new hubs are being set up across the country. Change of meeting agenda You are invited to an informal members meeting which will be held on 26th of May in the Walkinshaw Community Centre, 11 Walkinshaw Street, Johnstone, PA5 8AF (entrance opposite the Post Office) at 7.00pm.Jim Fairlie will beContinue reading "Salvo Launch for West of Scotland Euro Area."
Please feel welcome to join Salvo/ Liberation. These meetings and new hubs are being set up across the country.
Change of meeting agendaYou are invited to an informal members meeting which will be held on 26th of May in the Walkinshaw Community Centre, 11 Walkinshaw Street, Johnstone, PA5 8AF (entrance opposite the Post Office) at 7.00pm.
Jim Fairlie will be the guest speaker and light refreshments will be provided.
To help organise the hub, certain posts will need to be filled. This list may appear daunting, but many of them can be job shared and some can be merged if necessary.
The posts to be filled with a brief description are as follow: Convener/Chair: chair and oversee hub meetings and hub business. Treasurer: maintain a bank account on behalf of the group; record income/expenditure and prepare a financial statement for the AGM. Secretary: arrange venues for meetings, write newsletters, carry out correspondence on behalf of the group (a Salvo email address will be provided for this purpose). Minutes Secretary: record attendance/apologies, discussions, decisions and tasks allocated at each meeting.Membership Secretary: maintain the membership database, send meeting details, newsletters etc on behalf of the secretary.Social Media Admin(s): administrate and moderate social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, ideally two per platform. Post news and events on the hub’s decicated web page. (part of gather, store and share relevant articles, rebut any anti Salvo/Liberation items, research and share any information which shows
Scotland’s true position within the Union and other relevant material.Coordinator(s): liaise with the Salvo hubs coordinator, other coordinators and campaign teams, the Salvo core group, share news and good practice. This is post is temporarily held by Andy Doig.Please email me at if you are interested in helping with any of these posts. Include your hub, your name, the post you are interested in and a couple of sentences about outlining any skills and experience which may be relevant. The closing date is close of business on the 5th of June.Applications will be collated by me and each post will be filled by election at the inaugural general meeting.
The documents below will be adopted at the Inaugural General Members meeting, the details of which will be emailed to you shortly after the closing date for the applications above. It would be helpful if members could follow the links below to familiarise yourself with the content:
Salvo Interim Constitution (To be amended and adopted by vote at Salvo AGM June 2023)
Salvo Mission Statement (We Are Salvo)
Conditions of Salvo MembershipTo be a Sovereign Scot
Salvo Data Handling Procedures
Other documents for information
Edinburgh Proclamation (no adoption needed as all members should have signed)Yours for Scotland
Jan Hendry,
It is time for action. Your country needs you….now!
I am, as always
Sadly some websites seek to censor what their readers have access to read. This is particularly true of sites whose existence is primarily to support the views of one particular party and they seek to block articles which do not slavishly support that particular doctrine. My readers have worked out that the best way to defeat that attack on the freedom of speech and thought is to share my articles widely, thus defeating any attempt at censorship. My thanks for this.
Are playing a crucial role in taking Independence forward. This site limits donations to Yours for Scotland to a maximum of £3. We do not need more as all we seek to do is to cover the costs incurred in running the blog therefore once this is secured each year all further donations are forwarded to Salvo and Liberation. My thanks for all who choose to support us in this way. It is appreciated.
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