Scotland’s Sovereign Constitution Survives!
Written comment from Breeks in answer to those who prefer English lies and deception. DaveyTee19 is no different from the Unionist doctrine of unwritten conventions taken as gospel without rudimentary scrutiny, and simply asserted as being superior to the formal Constitutional doctrines of Scotland. Scottish doctrines which ARE documented, ARE supported by evidence, ARE witnessed,Continue reading "Scotland’s Sovereign Constitution Survives!"
Written comment from Breeks in answer to those who prefer English lies and deception.
DaveyTee19 is no different from the Unionist doctrine of unwritten conventions taken as gospel without rudimentary scrutiny, and simply asserted as being superior to the formal Constitutional doctrines of Scotland. Scottish doctrines which ARE documented, ARE supported by evidence, ARE witnessed, and DO have provenance.
The Union only survives by brazen and baseless assertions, tireless misdirection, and orchestrated sophistry. You will notice that “defence” of the Union is invariably focussed upon disputing the minutia and arbitrary discrepancies in Scotland’s Constitutional integrity, but never ever dwells very long upon the dodgy “legitimacy” of Westminster’s Parliamentary Sovereignty. The “fight” is never on “their” patch, but invariably to discredit Scotland, it is never to prove the rights and legitimacy of the Union. Are we surprised? With it’s origins mired in seedy corruption, bribery, coercion and innumerable ultra vires improprieties, is it any wonder why they don’t like to talk about it?
There is a curious parallel with Better Together in 2014 being singularly unable to make positive case for the Union. The “fight” was Project Fear, and all about discrediting Scottish Independence. There wasn’t a single progressive or positive argument “for” the Union throughout.
There is yet another parallel, with Unionist voices asserting the Union is mightily secure, and swearing blind there’s no demand for Independence. But yet to a man, they all run in abject terror from holding any further referendum that would actually, “prove” it. The “fight” isn’t about winning a Referendum, but discrediting Scotland’s rightful access to democracy and making sure a referendum never happens. My, my, what confidence…
That is why “minor” issues, such as King Charles III swearing fealty to the Claim of Right matters, because every now and again, there’s a gap exposed in the myriad layers of Unionist horseshit, and the baseless waffle of Unionism comes unstuck because it runs headlong into the legitimacy of Scotland’s Constitutional Law.
Another “glimpse” of Scotland’s Constitutional potency in law was Joanna Cherry’s legal victory over Boris Johnson and his prorogation of Parliament. The details “almost” don’t matter, because what evidence exists of “a sovereign Westminster Parliament” when the Prime Minister of that Westminster Parliament can be compelled to abide by a ruling from Scotland’s Court of Session, which coincidentally drove a coach and horse through the jurisdiction of the UK Supreme Court?
Is Scotland’s Constitution watertight? Well, never say never, but as far as practicably possible, I think it probably is. Perfect? No, but show me a nation with better authenticity to it’s origins and constitution.
There is confusion however, because as Brexit proves, Scotland’s “sovereign” will demonstrably CAN be overruled, so how can Scotland possibly be sovereign? Well, because there is a world of difference between being overruled and being “legitimately” overruled. Sturgeon HAD to dispute the legitimacy of Brexit, but she failed, she refused, she capitulated, and she should rightfully have been impeached there and then. (It isn’t too late).
The weakness in Scotland’s predicament is not in honing the Constitutional argument we can win, but overcoming the monstrous dead weight inertia of a truly massive three hundred year long fallacy. The fraud is mature, long since bedded in, and has layer upon layer of fictions masquerading as truth, many accepted AS truth, and all interwoven with arbitrary conventions designed to make access to the truth impenetrable. For a full three centuries, the will of Westminster has prevailed over this shameful dog’s breakfast and the Union has weathered every challenge…. Yet it still cannot, dare not, commit the UK “constitution” to written form because the odious “clarity” thus revealed would surely be it’s nemesis.
Yet for all that, even after these 300 years of obfuscation, the King of England, with wealth and power beyond measure, all the pomp, prestige, and privilege extended to the sovereign ruler of England, and no doubt with a veritable legion of slippery Constitutional advisors, can still be humbled into swearing fealty to the principle of Scotland’s Claim of Right as an obdurate precondition to becoming King of Scots.
Aye. There it is. Do you see it yet? Scotland’s sovereign constitution survives
Scotland can be overruled by using UK “domestic” law. Therefore we need to take our case to the International courts. That is what Salvo and Liberation.Scot propose. We will never win expecting justice from Westminster. As long as they are allowed to move the goalposts at will our hopes are just a waste of energy. They created the “Supreme Court” for that purpose. It is too easy for them, pass some Domestic Legislation limiting or changing the powers of the Devolved Parliament. Then when challenged get the “Supreme Court” to support Westminster sovereignty. It is an entirely different situation making any of that stick in an International Court.
I am, as always
Beat the Censors
Regretfully there are some among us who seek to censor what others read. Sadly within the YES movement there are sites which claim to be pro Indy but exist to only promote one Party and will not publish articles which come from bloggers who don’t slavishly support that Party to the exclusion of the rest of the YES movement. I ask readers who support free speech to share articles from Yours for Scotland as often as possible as this defeats the effectiveness of the censors.
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The work and important development of Salvo has been a beacon of hope in 2022 and as it develops Salvo is creating campaigning hubs throughout Scotland. Salvo will join with Liberation.Scot and as the campaigning arm of Liberation we are looking at very effective campaigns kicking off very early this year and introducing some new campaigning methods as well as those that have worked well in the past. This requires money so all donations to this site, once the running costs are covered, will go to support the work of Salvo/ Liberation. I think you will see it well used and effective.
We are seeking to build Liberation.Scot to at least 100,000 members just as quickly as we can. This is part of our plan to win recognition as an official Liberation Movement via the United Nations. We intend to internationalise our battle to win Independence and through the setting up of our Scottish National Congress will prepare and develop our arguments to win progress in the International Courts. Please help by signing up at Liberation.Scot. It is from those who sign up to Liberation.Scot that the membership of the SNC will be created by ballot.
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