This post comes from the site of Eva Comrie, (oneleggedwomanspeaks.Uk). I had been trying to write something similar but was just getting increasingly upset. I thought Eva’s article was excellent so here it is. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it – nothing more true in politics, especially today. Scotland’s historyContinue reading "A GREAT ARTICLE FROM EVA COMRIE."

This post comes from the site of Eva Comrie, (oneleggedwomanspeaks.Uk). I had been trying to write something similar but was just getting increasingly upset. I thought Eva’s article was excellent so here it is.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it – nothing more true in politics, especially today.
Scotland’s history of radicalism is peppered by the influence and memory of brave characters who went to the grave for their beliefs. From workers driven to oppose injustice, seek better working and living conditions, social justice, social mobility – what our ancestors had in common was hunger, a tangible desire for betterment, for fair treatment, just reward. In desperation, faced with intransigence and ridicule, some brave, frustrated souls will revolt.
Their descendants today demonstrate, argue, shout and demand because they are cornered, afraid, skint; some already starving and so tired of false dawns, promises broken and trust betrayed. Polite begging letters, cap doffing meetings and out of touch politicians some of whom boast of riding a gravy bus to their comfy destination will not deliver for those in need.
Inflation is at a 40 year high. 10.1% and rising.
Fuel bills are increasing at 20 times the rate of wages.
Food prices rocket as shelves become increasingly bare.
All this in a country which is a net exporter of energy, self sufficient in electricity, a gas and oil producer, recent host of a reverse auction for wind power – resources most of the planet would give their eye teeth for.
Scots emigrated or were cleared abroad where they built the world – engineers, builders, craftsmen, entrepreneurs, doctors, scientists, thinkers and doers – wha’s like us? Are we a’ deid ?
Tonight in Scotland some mothers will be greetin worrying how they’ll get through to payday, some will do without, so their children or the parents for whom they care can eat. Our single adult working poor will survive by boiling a kettle and filling a flask to make a cup of tea and a pot noodle for sustenance because the electricity is into the emergency supply. Families with disabled children will panic that the appliances needed for life, to feed, measure, clean, ventilate, lift, will fail when the meter runs out.
Tomorrow the postman will fire unwelcome missives through the letterbox; there will be gas and electricity demands, red letters, threatening letters and intimation of rent arrears or mortgage increases. There will follow family disagreements, separations, mental health issues and worse. Poverty and hardship, loss and constant worry have only inevitable horrible outcomes.
This must not be allowed to be. No more. Not one moment.
We have a government in Westminster which ran out of road long ago; an outgoing PM departing in disgrace, flanneling and foundering in the ordure of deception, decay and dishonour, about to be replaced by something worse. Untold billions have been disappeared into the coffers of cronies under the guise of ‘Covid’; we hear tell that workers don’t ‘graft’ and that Scotland somehow requires reined in, inspected, monitored, surveilled and checked.
What Scotland needs, for her survival, is that her elected representatives have the courage to grab their destiny with both hands, to alter the destiny of this nation; harness the power and desire of the people demanding the change for which they voted repeatedly, to which they are entitled.
Scotland needs radical action without delay.
Scotland elected with several majorities a set of representatives enjoined to hold a democratic event seeking to deliver our country’s independence. That need not await the inevitable judicial refusal or timetable hastily assembled a few short weeks ago – we know that the importance of the Battle of Bannockburn is that it ensured Scotland’s very existence as an independent country – had that been lost, so Scotland would have become a historical relic, a dusty memory hidden in ancient parchments as a has been, no mark. Today Scotland faces a similar struggle for survival – it is time that Scotland regained her status as an independent country – in the absence of autonomy, she is doomed to watch her resources continue to be swindled and her people belittled and hobbled.
Today, this very day, those in the leadership of Scotland sense a change in the national mood – growing rumblings of discontent and unassuaged longings turn to rage when ignored by democratically elected representatives. Leaders have a duty to lead, listen, respect, understand and act as required and entrusted so to do; that’s democracy. What it is not is a smart rebuke or pat on the head when a people are becoming desperate and scared, when there is an obvious route available, a roadmap for the nation.
There is a famous building in Edinburgh available, for a provisional government, every Friday from now until Independence Day – the leaders of this country, political, civic, trades unions, religious and others should assemble there this and every Friday, get their sleeves rolled up, get to work. 300 years and more later, Scotland has come to the ring again – let us ensure that this time, before it is too late, we dance to our country’s freedom. As a united movement with one aim – the creation of an independent better nation.For all. And for a’ that.
I thank Eva for this excellent article. She advocates action, urgent action and she is right. It really is as simple as that. If nothing is done then many people will die this winter and all of us who do nothing will be partially responsible. Speaking for myself I have great difficulty living with myself if I don’t at least try. I hope you all feel the same. Scotland needs you, all of you….now!
I am, as always
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