A guest post from another friend Eva Comrie who is the No 1 list candidate for the Alba Party on the Mid Scotland &Fife list. She was previously No 1 on the SNP list for the same region. A fabulous and courageous lady. A great Scot. ALBA – for the supermajority Archie Gemmill’s goal –Continue reading "A STRATEGY TO WIN OUR INDEPENDENCE"
A guest post from another friend Eva Comrie who is the No 1 list candidate for the Alba Party on the Mid Scotland &Fife list. She was previously No 1 on the SNP list for the same region. A fabulous and courageous lady. A great Scot.
ALBA – for the supermajority
Archie Gemmill’s goal – everybody knows the one – in Argentina against The Netherlands on 11 June 1978. Jubilation in Scotland, we were no longer the underdogs and maybe, just maybe we were going through this time. That optimism and tartan terrier vision united a country. We need more of that, especially these days, but this time the outcome has to be a win for Scotland.
I’m not here to denigrate or insult the efforts of the SNP – I have been proud to campaign for them for decades – because I was playing for the Scottish jersey. That’s why I walked away from the SNP – they appointed me their number one on the Mid Scotland and Fife list – thereby guaranteeing that the only way I would be elected would be if one of their constituency candidates lost. That’s how it works. The more you get on the constituency, the less you get on the list. The trick is to cover both. Manipulate it. Make it work to create the very thing that has the Tories trying to recreate Better Together.
It’s not only Alex Salmond who has the Tories and Labour and the Lib Dems talking to each other – they’re just kidding on that they’ve ruled out a super pact – they’ll still be at it behind the scenes – they spotted what we know – you win Independence by winning the constituencies AND the list. But you can’t do that with one party – you need two parties, one on the constituencies and one on the list.
Now is the time for a strategy that works in Scotland’s interests. The plan, the only fool proof way to get a supermajority of MSPs elected on a democratic vote, an instruction to deliver Independence, is to vote for a different Indy party on the list than the party you vote for in constituencies.
Now is the time to get Scotland’s strategy, game plan, mapped out – with players from all the teams passing to each other.
This is our best chance for Independence and may be our last. Are you really going to say to your children, friends, parents, conscience, well, we’re not independent because we don’t like that Alex Salmond? He’s not immortal – I am.
But if you desire to see Scotland independent then voting SNP1 ALBA2 is the way to get it. The reason for that is simple – the voting system was designed by the Unionists to prevent one single Independence party having an outright majority. You can try SNP1 and 2 this time if you want but if you do you’re going to find that this 2021 election becomes your Archie Gemmill moment.
One million SNP votes on the list were wasted in 2016 – they got nobody elected. A million crosses silenced. Like the ‘uh’ in the stadium when the ball just skiffed the bar and sailed over the net. That would have been a goal if it had gone in.
If you want to get rid of Murdo and Annie and Alex Cole Hamilton how’s SNP x 2 going to achieve that? It won’t. It will keep them right where they are. So it’ll not be me and that Alex Salmond letting the Tories and the LibDems in, it’ll be you. You might as well hand the ball to the ref and walk off the park.
The ALBA party is not competing with the SNP for your first vote – ALBA positively encourages you to vote SNP1 and increase the size of their vote – aim to make every single constituency in Scotland SNP! If that happened they’d hear me in Boris’ livingroom.
But vote ALBA2 on the list – see those 1 million votes? Suddenly they’re screaming because they count. Roaring like Hampden.
If you vote 1 for SNP and 2 for ALBA we, the people of Scotland, will deliver a supermajority of MSPs chosen with one aim in mind – to achieve Independence for our country.
And how enormous a message it will be for Boris, and the world, when we deliver an overwhelming contingent of like minded representatives enjoined with the task of negotiating the terms of our departure from the Union.
No longer will there be any credence given to the line – the trouble with the Scots is they’re always falling out with themselves. Belligerent. Not team players.
It’s not quite the World Cup, yet, but we’re shooting at an open goal. And the one legged ref (that’s me) has the whistle.
Let us make Independence happen – SNP1 ALBA 2 – Scotland scores!
I am, Yours for Scotland
Eva Comrie
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