For Immediate Release: Monday 26 April 2021ALBA AWARDED FIVE STARS FOR STANDING UP FOR WOMENFor Women Scotland have awarded five stars to ALBA, Scotland’s newest and fastest-growing political party, following an assessment of all of the 2021 Scottish Election Manifestos. In a statement Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, ALBA Lead Candidate for Central Scotland said:“As the new kid on theContinue reading "ALBA GET TOP RATING FOR DEFENDING WOMAN RIGHTS."
For Immediate Release: Monday 26 April 2021ALBA AWARDED FIVE STARS FOR STANDING UP FOR WOMEN
For Women Scotland have awarded five stars to ALBA, Scotland’s newest and fastest-growing political party, following an assessment of all of the 2021 Scottish Election Manifestos. In a statement Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, ALBA Lead Candidate for Central Scotland said:
“As the new kid on the block, ALBA are delighted to have been given this ringing endorsement by For Women Scotland, the leading campaigning and advocacy group on behalf of Women in Scotland. After only four weeks ALBA have demonstrated that when it comes to standing up for women’s hard-won sex-based rights and the rights of women and girls to access women only spaces, ALBA has emerged on top.
“ALBA are putting women’s rights front and centre in this Election and are showing that women’s voices will no longer be silenced and sidelined in the major debates on legislation which affects our lives, whether it be in relation to forensic examination services, the reform of the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) or the Hate Crime Bill.
“ALBA are proud that a majority of our candidates in this Election, 54%, 18 out of 32 are women and we are determined that we will be a strong voice for women in the next Scottish Parliament.”
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