WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER The SNP is a real mess these days. Membership falling, funds depleted to the point where ringfenced funds need to be appropriated just to keep the ship afloat, a policy agenda that more represents a Stonewall Conference rather than an Independence Movement. A leadership in thrall to the Dear LeaderContinue reading "WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER"
The SNP is a real mess these days. Membership falling, funds depleted to the point where ringfenced funds need to be appropriated just to keep the ship afloat, a policy agenda that more represents a Stonewall Conference rather than an Independence Movement. A leadership in thrall to the Dear Leader controlled by a National Executive Committee stuffed full of appointees. A Party where ordinary members and branches have lost all influence and power. A Party that hates and avoids internal elections. A Party incapable of finding anyone to take on a finance and audit function other than the previous incumbent who was complicit in the financial meltdown in the first place.
National Council, the one body that gave the ordinary membership the opportunity to hold the leadership to account no longer in existence. A Conference system where motions are “selected” by the elite for the elite, an NEC that has not discussed the supposed number one objective of the Party, Independence, in years. Nobody, other than the favoured get near the rostrum at Conference at any point.
How did this happen? How could this come about?
The answer is it was planned. Yes this chaos is the direct result of a plan that was launched in 2018 at Conference where the current elite launched their plan to takeover the Party. While delegates went for a cup of tea or some lunch a sparsely attended internal session was the scene where innocent sounding amendments designed by Angus Robertson were approved that unknowingly sanctioned the takeover and it’s been downhill and division ever since.
The key objectives were to boost the power of the leader and her circle at the expense of everyone else. The first objective was to remove from the Party the powers to alter the make up of the NEC. This was achieved by reducing the power of members elected by Conference delegates by removing the Senior Office Bearer positions with direct responsibility for key areas and by introducing a wide range of appointed positions, positions the controlling elite could control through patronage and favour to ensure only “approved” people could win through.
The removal of senior office bearer positions in charge of administration, policy, organisation etc handed more power to the HQ staff, a body already in the control of the elite. It has led to chaos, enormous dissatisfaction across the land, more staff having to be hired just to deal with the enormous mountain of complaints and also allowed spending to get out of control. A lot of people believe this is connected to very high salaries but nobody, and I mean nobody, is allowed to know. Being National Treasurer means nothing, it’s a secret so there!
It goes much further however, the cult seized control, through the NEC of the candidate selection procedures centralizing that control away from the constituencies. This led to grossly unfair behaviour, the “favoured” handed speedy approval, those local candidates regarded as serious challengers to the central controlled favoured candidate held back, sometimes rejected at the last minute. In the worst case a candidate was rejected only to discover her appeal was being conducted by another candidate from the same region. By enabling favoured candidates of the elite to be selected this further increases the level of control from the Centre. Many regarded the fixing of the lists as a failure but it wasn’t, the fix got rid of Joan McAlpine, exactly as planned. That is what it was all about.
The absence of these senior office bearers leaves the Party Leader and her husband to do what they like, on policy, on administration, on fundraising, on organisation with little or no opposition to their wishes. With National Council gone and strict controls over the internal email system no structure or method exists to change or amend the direction dictated from the elite.
This control is exercised rigidly, not happy with who the Conference elected to some committees the solution was to stop them meeting, and for the National Secretary not to pass on any matter regarding any party discipline complaint to the relevant committee to examine. In this way the clique, the elite, ensure themselves protection that allows them to behave as they like. The Party Leader displays selective vision when it comes to these matters completely failing to support Joanna Cherry or Joan McAlpine when other Party members treated them in the most shameful and aggressive manner. None of this is by accident, it is intentional, it is the plan.
The remaining members have become the sheepie, fed a diet of unquestioning loyalty, irrespective of the issue, the aim has been to corral the herd and restrict individual thought or action.
Sadly it has worked. There is no resistance. The SNP elected MP’s and MSP’s have been bought off with career promises and salaries. It is the 21st century equivalent of beads and mirrors. It certainly highlights how England managed to easily bribe the Scots Lords to accept the Treaty of Union in the first place. Such a parcel of rogues eh?
The only hope for the Independence Movement is if somehow the Scottish people can wrest control of the Independence issue from these charlatans. I know it is a big ask but I think when it becomes safe to march again we need huge marches on Bute House and Holyrood to leave them in no doubt that the people of Scotland are angry and demand much better than they are offering and that our patience is wearing thin. Major confrontation is on the horizon. I very much hope so. For Scotland’s sake.
They have destroyed the SNP, now as the latest polls show a dip in support for Independence they must not be allowed to do the same to the YES movement. Those that will be incensed by this article I have just the one question, tell me anything here that is not the truth?
I am, as always
Yours for Scotland.
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