A guest article by Bill Clark from Fort William History keeps repeating itself.  We keep saying we will learn from our past mistakes.  We never do and never will.  Before World War Two, Adolf Hitler had made it known that the Germans in Austria were being oppressed by their own government and that he could no longer, asContinue reading "WHEN WILL SPRING ARRIVE FOR UKRAINE?"

Oct 14, 2022 - 14:00
Photo by Kris Mu00f8klebust on Pexels.com

A guest article by Bill Clark from Fort William

History keeps repeating itself.  We keep saying we will learn from our past mistakes.  We never do and never will.  Before World War Two, Adolf Hitler had made it known that the Germans in Austria were being oppressed by their own government and that he could no longer, as the Fuhrer of Germany, remain on the sidelines. 

 Therefore, he sent in his Nazi troops and that was Austria in German hands.  A year later, again with the encouragement of Hitler, it was the turn of the Germans living in the Czechoslovakian Sudetenland to call for Hitler’s assistance.   Hitler was only too happy to comply.   In each and every country invaded by Russia, Germany, the UK or any other invading force there will be people within the oppressed nation willing to brief, and collaborate with the invaders.

  Russians have been told by Putin that the West and NATO are acting like Nazis.   Joseph Goebbels the Nazi Minister of Propaganda said “accuse your enemy of what you are guilty of yourself”. It is not an unusual tactic in politics, even for some of our own MPs and MSPs. 

However, we can only deal with the issues before us today.  If a referendum on Scottish independence was carried out in various areas within Scotland, the border areas would possibly return a positive vote to remain within the umbrella of Westminster.    Unlike the referendums in those Ukrainian areas which were run by the Russian occupiers, in any Scottish referendum there would be no requirement for any UK troops being sent in to encourage borderers to vote to stay under Westminster control.  Would we concur with their wishes to break away from Scotland?

   Russia has form in this sort of behaviour as have all countries with the necessary military strength when they decide to occupy a neighbouring country.   Russia more than any other European state certainly had a taste for it.  In Ukraine today, Putin followed Hitler’s example of claiming security and the protection of the Russian speaking peoples in those areas as his reason for his invasion of Ukraine.    In 1956 Hungary was invaded by the Soviets who ordered the Warsaw Pact tanks into Budapest.  In 1968, they also sent their tanks into Alexander Dubcek’s Czechoslovakia with the intention of putting an end to the Prague Spring with its more inclusive type of communism and freedom of expression. 

 The Soviets provided a Czechoslovakian collaborator in Gustav Husak as their puppet master. He of course reversed all of Dubcek’s reforms and expelled him from the Communist Party.  In each and every country collaborators can be found to brief against their fellow countrymen.   The mayhem that Putin has brought to families in Ukraine is up there with the most despicable actions ever carried out by any other modern-day despot.  

The past is the past and we cannot change it.  We have to think of the present and look to the future.  In response to the Soviet invasion of his country Alexander Dubcek said “they may crush the flowers, but they can’t stop the spring”.   


This is quite a gentle article on the current Ukraine crisis and concentrates on the similarities between Putin’s actions and those of Hitler in the lead up to the Second World War. There is no doubt mistaken appeasement contributed to allowing Hitler to believe he could just keep going, taking over territory after territory. Of course the Soviets contributed to this with the Molotov/ Ribbentrop Treaty which allowed Soviet control of the three Baltic countries and also Nazi Germany and the Soviets sharing Poland between them. I am always a bit staggered by the accusation of the Ukrainians having a Nazi element while ignoring the Nazi/ Soviet co-operation that took over four of their Independent neighbouring countries with a stroke of a pen and the roll of their tanks.. Anyway can I commend the pinned article at the top of my Twitter feed (@ilawson27) by Craig Murray that reveals not one of the four regions Putin has annexed has a majority Russian population and the Kherson region only has 14% of the population that describe themselves as Russian at the last census. Never trust a Russian/ Soviet referendum would be my advice. As the Ukrainian forces advance in some of these areas where Putin claims to have virtually 100% support for becoming Russian it is quite amazing how many seem very happy to see the Ukrainians back in control.

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland


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