Here is a taster of what we can expect in the Year ahead.
This is the international news discussion that I participated in last week. Those supporting the Union have learned nothing and I think it is fair to say one of the participants became increasingly uncomfortable the longer it went on. Quite proud of my contribution. It must have got quite a few laughs across the WorldContinue reading "Here is a taster of what we can expect in the Year ahead."
This is the international news discussion that I participated in last week. Those supporting the Union have learned nothing and I think it is fair to say one of the participants became increasingly uncomfortable the longer it went on. Quite proud of my contribution. It must have got quite a few laughs across the World towards the end..
Unfortunately some pro Indy sites operate censorship if a blogger dares to criticise the SNP, no matter how justified that criticism might be. This transforms them from being pro Indy sites to being only propaganda sites for one Party. By this very act they damage Independence by limiting freedom of speech. Never a very wise action. Sensible people enjoy debate and like to decide for themselves and not have this determined for them by others. This site promotes Independence and does not censor except in exceptional circumstances where abuse or known falsehoods are submitted. Please share articles from this site to overcome all attempts to close down free speech in Scotland.
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Now that Salvo has been launched it needs everybody to join and get behind this important, vital even, development. I have never encouraged readers to donate to Yours for Scotland indeed I operate a limit that even when people are overcome and demand the ability to donate I operate a strict limit of £3 per donation. I said that any excess to the costs of running this site would go to worthy Yes events. I have made some donations in the past but yesterday I gave a three figure sum to Salvo. I want to do more so while I am keeping, at this stage, the maximum donation to £3 I am now encouraging readers of Yours for Scotland to donate regularly with the assurance that every penny raised, over the running costs of this site, will be donated to Salvo. Salvo is a people’s movement and it needs us, the people of Scotland, to give them the funds they need. Thank you.
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