A Mia comment highly relevant to the current debate over the Claim of Right. “Is it too much to hope it will give them renewed enthusiasm for the prime reason they were voted into power” Personally I think it is about hope but also about trust. A trust they have broken. They have had 7Continue reading "QUITE A LIST OF CHARGES."

A Mia comment highly relevant to the current debate over the Claim of Right.
“Is it too much to hope it will give them renewed enthusiasm for the prime reason they were voted into power”
Personally I think it is about hope but also about trust. A trust they have broken. They have had 7 years and many, many opportunities to do the right thing for Scotland. Yet, they did not use every single one of them.
In my view they repeatedly cross a line they had no right to cross. That line is the one of surrendering Scotland’s sovereignty to an English convention. From where I am sitting, they have done this repeatedly during the last 7 years. If not, brexit would have never happened. There are many examples. Some of them:
1. they participated in the vote to trigger A50 when they had no consent from the people of Scotland to allow brexit to ever happen. They had no right to allow that article to ever be triggered on behalf of the people of Scotland given that 62% of the people who voted in that referendum in Scotland did so against brexit. However, by sitting in that parliament, allowing that vote to proceed and taking part in it, that is precisely what they did. At that point, when the SNP held an absolute majority of Scotland’s seats in Westminster and the largest share of the seats in Holyrood, all what they had to do to uphold Scotland’s rights was to demand either the idea of brexit to be abandoned immediately or to demand the end of the treaty of union so England could pursue its brexit alone. As it is, forcing brexit on Scotland was akin to force absolute rule on Scotland in direct breach of the claim of right 1689 and by association, of the treaty of union that rests on that claim of right.
It remains to be proved if they did this out of ignorance, after being very ill-advised by someone, after being coerced or they did that to force brexit on Scotland because that is the path somebody other than the people of Scotland had already decided for Scotland. A path would allow England to survive its own folly, out of the EU, by continuing helping itself to Scotland’s market and assets without the worry of the threat of a hard border and different standards between Scotland and England that would put Scotland in direct competition with England should Scotland return to the EU. I think the third option would be totally unforgivable, an assault on Scotland’s democracy and a dereliction of duty. Un unnecessarily high number of people in Scotland lost their lives to COVID because the pretend pro indy leader we have as FM chose to embrace a bogus “4 nations approach” instead of asserting Scotland’s autonomy and sovereignty as she was expected to do. Had SNP MPs stopped that A50 being triggered or forced the end of the treaty of union and many of those people who died to COVID could have been alive if Scotland had follow its own rules and had exercise control over its own borders during the pandemic. So such decision to let A50 to be triggered on behalf of Scotland was not innocuous.
2. They allowed an English court to trash a bill already passed in Scotland’s parliament. This does not only undermine Scotland’s claim of right, but it is, in my opinion, in direct breach of the treaty of union that stipulates Scots law cannot be trashed by English courts under the guise of English law. It was not even English law what this English court used to trash our bill, but rather an English convention, that of Westminster’s sovereignty, something that was not included in UK law at the time. The treaty of union should have ended after this. Instead, our MPs choses to sit on their hands and let it pass.
3. They also allowed that same English court to trash the Sewel convention a fundamental foundation of the 2014 contract Scotland entered with England to continue the union. That should have been sufficient to declare the 2014 result void. Yet, not a move from our allegedly pro indy MPs or FM to end that contract either.
4. They also allowed the butchering of the Act of Scotland, which was re-written without Scotland’s consent to legitimise the theft by England MPs of Scotland’s assets. This action violated two things. For starters, it was akin to imposing absolute rule on Scotland and therefore, violated the Claim of Right and by association the treaty of union resting on it. In addition, this Scotland Act was a fundamental, weight bearing condition of the status quo for our vote in 2014. Rewriting the Scotland Act, without Scotland’s consent was therefore, together with the trashing of FFA that rendered the promise of Devo Max a misinterpretation of the exchange in the contract, and the trashing of the sewel convention, that rendered the condition of independence of Holyrood in devolved matters, also misunderstanding, in my opinion, rendered the “contract” the people of Scotland entered in with England in 2014 with their no vote, voidable.
Many if not every single one of the conditions (aka the vow promises and ) included in that contract have been breached. Yet, 8 years after, we are still to see any movement, any at all, from Nicola Sturgeon or the MPs/MSPs she commands to declare the 2014 contract void as the Scottish people have had every right to do given the continuous violations of those conditions and the weight bearing points of the status quo by our partner. That contract should have become void the 19th September 2014 when Cameron announced EVEL. Yet, by allowing that voidable contract to stand, Nicola Sturgeon and the MPs set out a precedent: that violating the conditions of our contract was acceptable for Scotland. They had no right to do that. Violating the conditions that supported our vote in 2014, the same as violating the articles of the treaty of union and violating Scotland’s Claim of Right is completely unacceptable. Allowing it to happen for somebody’s career advancement or for the political posturing of the political party they belong to when you have been trusted by the people of Scotland to protect those things and to stop those breaches happening, is also completely unacceptable.
3. They allowed English convention of parliamentary sovereignty to be included in UK law with the withdrawal bill, against the will of the people of Scotland and in direct violation of the Claim of Right 1689. Again, this is akin to stealing Scotland’s sovereignty and forcing absolute rule over Scotland. Again, given the Claim of Right is one of the fundamental foundations of the Treaty of Union, by breaching the Claim of Right with the stamping of that bill, our partner and the monarch themselves were in breach of the Treaty of Union. Instead of stopping that vote ever happening by immediately removing consent from the so called UK parliament to act on behalf of Scotland, NuSNP MPs participated in the vote legitimising it and letting it enter UK law. That vote should have not been ever allowed to take place in the context of the UK union. That our MPs allowed it to happen and let England MPs undermine our sovereignty is unforgivable.
4. The Treaty of Union is very clear in its trade articles. No part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and NI entered that treaty as one of the domains of the Kingdom of England, can have different trade conditions than the rest. This part of the treaty has been directly violated by the favourable agreement given to NI on the brexit negotiations. I have seen no move, other than vacuous waffle and useless political posturing, from Nicola Sturgeon, the MSPs or MPs to put immediately that wrong right or to demand the treaty of union to end. Again giving our consent on our behalf for those breaches of the treaty of union to take place as if they were innocuous is completely unacceptable and a dereliction of duty.
The bottom line is Nicola Sturgeon and the MPs and MSPs under her command have repeatedly failed to uphold Scotland’s rights under the Claim of Right and the Treaty of Union. They have witnessed breach after breach after breach of that treaty making it voidable one hundred times over under their watch, and yet, they have not lifted a finger to demand an end to that treaty not even once or to remove UK’s legitimacy to continue acting on behalf of Scotland to stop the abuse. Clearly they are totally useless as custodians of both and, after 7 years of ill-serving Scotland’s interests, they cannot be relied upon anymore in changing their ways. They have had plenty of opportunities in the last 7 years to prove their moral values and respect of Scotland’s Claim of Right. Instead, they have chosen to let those opportunities pass us by one after another, allowing the abuse of Scotland in the hands of our treaty partner to continue so England can survive its own ill-advised brexit folly.
Out with them all, I say. If we wanted MPs and MSPs who acted to protect the union and England’s elite’s interests above those of Scotland, we would have voted for any of the colonial parties, for which we are spoiled for choice.
The blame here is not solely with Nicola Sturgeon it lies with every elected member of the SNP in both Parliaments. They know why they were elected. They know who supported and worked for their electoral campaigns. They know it was people who wanted Independence for Scotland, who thought their actions were helping build a team of people capable of defending the Scottish interest. If any of those who were elected are reading this, ask yourself how are we doing? If any of you think this is acceptable then I am sorry but you should not be there in the first place. History will not be kind to any of you as you have become part of the Great Betrayal.
I am, as always
Sadly some sites had given up on being pro Indy sites and have decided to become merely pro SNP sites where any criticism of the Party Leader or opposition to the latest policy extremes, results in censorship being applied. This, in the rather over optimistic belief that this will suppress public discussion on such topics. My regular readers have expertly worked out that by regularly sharing articles on this site defeats that censorship and makes it all rather pointless. I really do appreciate such support and free speech in Scotland is remaining unaffected by their juvenile censorship. Indeed it is has become a symptom of weakness and guilt. Quite encouraging really.
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