A guest comment on my blog from Yours for Scotland columnist Mia. “The irony at the moment is we need to vote SNP for independence” No, we don’t actually.  The only irony in front of us is that after wasting 7 irrecoverable years of Scotland’s time, after deliberately undermining our democracy and rights, after laughingContinue reading "WE NEED TO VOTE SNP?"

Mar 9, 2022 - 08:00

A guest comment on my blog from Yours for Scotland columnist Mia.

“The irony at the moment is we need to vote SNP for independence”

No, we don’t actually. 

The only irony in front of us is that after wasting 7 irrecoverable years of Scotland’s time, after deliberately undermining our democracy and rights, after laughing at us while walking all over our right to self determination, after enthusiastically betraying our claim of right and sovereignty, after willingly cooperating with the English establishment to destroy our laws and policies to make it more difficult for Scotland to return to the EU, after handing over our assets as if they were birthday party balloons, after deliberately stalling and dividing the yes vote, and after pandering to the political and financial forces behind the GRA trojan horse, there are still party apparatchiks and spin doctors who have the arrogance and the lack of moral compass to continue to attempt to fool indy voters peddling the bullshit that this decomposed and corrupt pseudopolitical construct that calls itself SNP today is the only party of independence, when the same apparatchiks are falling over themselves to make us believe Alba never existed or it is not an alternative, so the useless pseudopolitical construct that calls itself SNP can still appear both as a functional political party rather than a unionist tool and as a pro independence entity rather than a devolutionist one.

In the same way that voting Labour was never the way to get rid of the tories, but rather the way to open the door to them, voting SNP is the way to ensure we are driven away from independence and instead sent back to the box with more rebranded useless devolution and the pretence of autonomy while we are robbed blind of our powers and rights and our country is being stripped off its main assets for the benefit of somebody else.

Whoever entity took over the SNP on the 19th September 2014, be it based in the sewers of London or those across the pond, does not want independence and has been working relentlessly to stop it. Taking our assets over one by one with the help of the useful idiots in control of Scotland while giving us a few crumbs in exchange, and,leaving Scotland poor and totally dependent on external entities is a testament to this. The fact Sturgeon and her pseudopolitical SNP has been enthusiastically cooperating on this robbery of the century is the best evidence you can ever find that proves this woman and those who call themselves SNP are working against independence. 

A leader serious about independence protects the countries assets in preparation to independence. Instead, what this woman is doing is handing our assets over so independence is much harder because Scotland cannot rely on its own assets.

Never a FM of Scotland and party of government has crushed so many of our rights and handed as many assets and powers to Westminster and foreign entities as the current fraud and her “party” of “government” have done.

If we really want independence the best thing we can do is eject the brigade of careerists, betrayers, liars, seat warmers, labour opportunists and MI5 plants hiding behind the SNP flag and the pretence of pursuing independence, off the green seats in England’s parliament.

We voted for the last 7 years for this party of useless amoebas and what has the fraud leading them achieved for Scotland?

Brexit. A brexit we never asked for, we never voted for, we never gave consent for.

We can vote for this shell and the fraud of the day leading it for another 7 years more or for another 70 that all what we will be doing is wasting our vote and achieving exactly the same this fraud and her shell of a party has achieved for Scotland in the last 7 long years: absolutely nothing other than despair and embarrassment and assets loss.

The sooner we accept the SNP as a party of independence died on the 19th September 2014 and since then it has become a British state tool to stop independence and to hand over to Westminster the control of as many assets of Scotland as possible, the sooner we can move forward.

A vote for the SNP in May will be a vote to save the union and a vote to give the green light to the fraud leading it to continue destroying our rights and handing our assets to Westminster while leaving our children and grandchildren without them.


Mia has a great ability to identify and explain where it is all going wrong, badly wrong and then explains the great urgency in Scotland to abandon those who took us there and support and build Independence on a more honest and honourable base. She is right independence is going backwards, our assets will continue to be moved out of our control until we do.Time to wake up….and act!

I am, as always

Yours for Scotland.


Sadly some sites had given up on being pro Indy sites and have decided to become merely pro SNP sites where any criticism of the Party Leader or opposition to the latest policy extremes, results in censorship being applied. This, in the rather over optimistic belief that this will suppress public discussion on such topics. My regular readers have expertly worked out that by regularly sharing articles on this site defeats that censorship and makes it all rather pointless. I really do appreciate such support and free speech in Scotland is remaining unaffected by their juvenile censorship. Indeed it is has become a symptom of weakness and guilt. Quite encouraging really.


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